Faith Council
St Charles School has a team of dedicated Faith Council members who promote the Catholic Ethos our school and are great role models to the other children. In their role, they play a vital part in enhancing the religious life and prayer life of our school.
The council meet twice every half term. We are committed to having a strong pupils’ voice and encourage the children to think of their own ideas, and how to promote our school values and vision.
Part of their role includes:
* To support the school in its Mission Statement.
* To help our school to be a community of faith.
* To encourage all children, and staff, to witness their faith in their daily lives.
* To develop good relationships within and beyond out school community.
* To support the prayer, Liturgy and spiritual life of the school.
* To promote the principles of Catholic Social Teaching in our community, including leading on fundraising events.
* To continue to develop strong links with our parish community.
Our Faith Council created a super visual marking the Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee year which was presented at a special Deanery School Mass held in January.